Kaera Watson

"Everything that I've gone through in life has made me who I am today." Such a powerful statement from a strong woman who has gone through so much in life. See how Kaera Watson's resilience has impacted her and created someone we are fortunate to have in our community.

If you or someone you know is a survivor of domestic violence or sexual assault, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline

1-800-799-7233 or through chat https://www.thehotline.org/

You will be connected to local help.

In Rockford, contact

Rockford Sexual Assault Counseling, Inc.



Remedies Renewing Lives.

(815) 962-0871

Please consider supporting the creation of these videos for $1


Supporters of the story:

Kevin Holdmann

Whitney Reed

Corey Frang

Annie Picken

Caitlyn Baylor

Megan Hastings

Jodi Stehman

Sheri White

Mitch Aunger

Joshua Binning

Ron Clewer

Hans Rupert

Dawn Nimmo

Reid Jutras

Jordan Guzzardo

Kenny Jackson

Kindall Rende

Produced by Pablo Korona

Music: Zach Staas, Daniel Pingrey, and Jason Kaye


Good Hearts


Community Brother